Sintel constantly invests on R&S and that’s why it offers to their clients services and products which are an actual additional values for those who use them.

A consulting activity can be fondamental to:
¤ Set the company’s objectives;
¤ Define company’s strategies and policies;
¤ Select products and services in line with company’s trategies and policies;
¤ Monitor the business processes;
¤ Making important managerial choices.

Sintel offers the business consulting service which consists of a support and the enrichment of the main activity in line with either the property or the management

This activity aims to keep the management constantly up to date about complex concepts of economy and therefore it is addressed to anyone who wishes to guide their company towards future scenarios, to a dynamic dimension aiming towards the growth, with the acquisition of new awareness and skills.
This service can be split in:
¤ Analysis of business management: Budget Analysis, Balance Sheet Analysis, analysis of the income statement. Once we point out the “strengths”, The Management Control allows to define the strategies to reinforce them and the same thing happens when we point out the “weaknesses” – the Management Control allows to turn them into opportunities and points of strength. The set up of appropriate management interventions, if necessary, complete the scenario where we need to work on.
¤ Proposal of new business strategies: the objective is rationalisation and optimisation of the company resources. Cost reduction is not the only aim of a good consultant, but work becomes fundamental to orientate the investments, to promote and implement, in accordance with the Management , new business strategies aiming at the company growth and pursuing new targets set.
¤ Human Resource management: its aim is to make all the relations within the working context and outside with the suppliers and clients, excellent, satisfying and “productive”. Sintel aims to achieve this target by providing not only expert psychologies and communicators, but also tools such as ThesiEvs ActDocWorkflow, developed purposely to foster the organisation and working relations both within and outside the company.
¤ Coaching and Mentoring: this activity aims to provide new professional techniques aiming at promoting new skills within the company context such as problem solving, great stress management, new operational skills, creativity, effective communication, fostering the unexpressed potential within the company, skills enhancement, etc…all these activities focus on promoting and making the teamwork more efficient aiming at a greater company productivity.
The analysis of corporate finance entails a critical remark of all the budget values, appropriate financial index, the composition of the financial structure and it searches for the balance among the current liabilities and asset, fixed assets and long-and-short term debts. The consultancy analyses the relations between the agreed availabilities and the corporate finance operations (third-party fundings or shareholders), dynamic analysis of the cash flow and it is in charge of pursuing the financial balance as a whole. The financial planning, in the corporate finance context, constantly monitors the cash flow as a fuel indicator along the pathway the chosen by the company as well as the business dynamics.
Specifically, the corporate finance consulting offered by Sintel is based on the following points:
¤ Budget analysis;
¤ Financial Budget and Planning;
¤ Preparation and revision of the Business Plan;
¤ Analysis and optimisation of cash flow;
¤ Management of financial risks;
¤ Choice of the appropriate Corporate Business tools;
¤ Analysis of bank account costs for the management of the relations with Credit Institutions in order to negotiate the best conditions for the clients (fees, costs, commissions, financial costs reductions, etc);
¤ Relations with Government agencies in relation to public announcements;
¤ Strategic analysis;
¤ Potential Strategies for debt restricting.

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