A company with an attention only focused on the “cash” might believe it is thriving but in order to be certain of its economic solidity, the attention and the sight must be global and therefore also projected on working capital, contracted commitments and inbound resources.
The Finance and Control module, by Thesi Evolution Sphere, offers companies numerous advantages including that of protecting the company from financial risks, optimizing the value of cash flow while maintaining financial balance, providing reliable economic-financial forecasts, minimizing the relationship between financial charges and income, provide senior management with an adequate Financial Report, with liquidity analysis and management. The goal is to provide companies with financial resources to support current business and future development by supporting Top Management in extraordinary transactions.
This function offers the possibility to monitor the customer’s reliability and solvency, through related statistics and has interfaces for companies that offer services for credit insurance.
This function works directly on the accounting data in real time, it allows the Reclassification of the Financial Statements by Indices as well as a spatial and temporal analysis and offers the possibility of carrying out the budget analysis on companies belonging to the same field by keeping reference criteria for comparisons. The reclassified financial statements by equity, financial and economic indices, both from online and historical financial statements, for comparisons with references in space and time becomes a tool for continuous monitoring of the company evolution. The System offers the opportunity to insert temporary adjustment entries to the financial statements to carry out period analyzes and reclassifications as an additional in-depth analytical tool to support both data presentations and business decisions.
The functions dedicated to the control of the Economic Budget check are additional tools to monitor company performances which are summarized and monitored from time to time, with data directly taken from the results of the financial statements and referring to the same period.The System offers the possibility to set budgets for the period which are directly summarized from time to time with the data coming from the company balance sheet, referring to the same period. The budget values can be adjusted according to the economic trend and the results obtained. The budget check is carried out by extracting the budget data, referring to the same period of competence. Analyses and versions are stored for later consideration and/or consideration about this point.
Cash Flow is an indicator of the company’s financial availability and ability to support working capital and repay debts and capital.
The prospective cash-flow analysis, obtained without further data integrations coming from external sources, allows you to better manage the company’s financial planning. Cash availability is planned directly by the CFO and does not require waiting times for the reconciliation of data that is already available to the company.
Cash Flow represents an objective measure of Company Performance, the ability to generate values, and an assessment tool of the company reputation and it, therefore, increases the opportunity to access further financial resources.
The Thesi EvS Finance and Control Module represents an effective tool both for financial analysis and planning and allows you to simulate the impact of possible investments on the prospective performance of the cash flow dynamics. The simulated or temporary transactions contribute to build the Financial Budget and can be easily included or excluded very easily in the analysis reports of the financial plan or the prospective analysis of the Cash Flow. Punctual analysis of corporate finance data makes it easy to identify interventions for the search for the correct financial balance.
The smoothness budget operations can be integrated with consolidated treasury, cash and medium / long-term operations, allows you to obtain a timely and necessary analysis according to company dynamics.
As part of the analysis and management of cash flows, it is possible to manage revenue forecasts, planning of payments relating to working capital, by working directly on the value date and it is also possible to modify the date of the event directly in the treasury. of the forecast of incoming or of the outgoing deadline.
The value date is the one to be considered for the analysis of cash availability.
The analysis of the consolidated cash flow provides a useful tool to follow the financial dynamics, and specifically how the available resources are used and the types of external financial interventions (Loans from shareholders, loans and facilities granted by third parties) which it has been used over time.
The analysis of the trend through the financial outlook, with a 12-month projection, determined by the direct method of financial reporting, together with the observation of the indices deriving from the analysis and reclassification of the financial statements, provides clear indications on the company cash flow , and makes clear what are the prospects and planning of any interventions.
The management has at its disposal all the necessary elements for corporate strategic choices, investments, consolidation of positions, restructuring of positions towards the search for balance.
The Business Finance module, like a compass, provides the tools and resources for the strategic choices of the company on the market.
The finding of financial resources of a moving structure cannot ignore the continuous awareness of those available.

The Business Finance module is completed with the following functions:
ThesiEvS Balance Sheet Analysis, a tool for balance sheet analysis and reclassification, reclassification by indices in space (comparison with industry benchmarks) and over time (analysis of the performance and evolution of company indices); Definition of business groups, import from other management systems, group analysis.
ThesiEvS Treasury, an integrated tool with ThesiEvS Co.ge that allows the management of all financial plans in real time and short-term debts (current liabilities); The Treasury module provides Riba files, Wire Transfers in standard CBI format for uploading and allows sending via home banking.
The integration between ThesiEvS Co.ge and ThesiEvS Treasury has been improved in order to make easier the management of integrated operations such as Accounting Schedule, Cash-flow Treasury and financial plans. Furthermore, the new tools for analyzing financial commitments and financing costs for C/C and short/long term have been added.
The system provides, as a whole, dynamic information on the performance and financial structure of the company, as well as an analysis of the sources of financing and their respective costs.
Specific training and the methodical use of analyzes complete the effectiveness of the system and the awareness of the financial commitments undertaken.
Company decisions, taking into consideration what can be deduced from these analyzes, can have a more effective impact on financial dynamics.
Functions available in ThesiEvS - Treasury
¤ Payment authorization function from one or more authorized users. The system keeps track of the operations carried out;
¤ Import and export in csv formats of basic master data and planning of financial plans (all reports can be exported in xls or PDF format). Import Financial Statements for Group Balance Sheet Analysis;
¤ Management of credit lines, causal bank movements, charges and expenses;
¤ Cash-Flow Analysis;
¤ Management of the Advance Invoice and Riba portfolio;
¤ C/C management (Periodic, Scalar and Closing). The system provides for the management of the periodic closure of current accounts, the recalculation of expenses and the real interest rates applied;
¤ Synchronization between system modules.