The forecasting State Budget Law for the financial year 2018 and the multi-year budget for the three-year period 2018-2020 introduces the Electronic Invoice for private individuals (Invoice B2B), which will be mandatory starting from January 1, 2019.
Sintel is able to provide its Customers with services and products for the preparation, transmission, management and storage, in accordance with the law, of the Electronic Invoice.
Our management software, Thesi Evolution Sphere, enables our customers:
¤ conversions from the Customer’s structured formats to the XML format required by the B2B invoice;
¤ the assignment of a single protocol for each invoice sent/received;
¤ management of the VAT protocol on payable invoices;
¤ the search function, consulting and the possibility of viewing upon request for access to invoices by the P.A.
The opportunities for those who make use of the Electronic Invoice are expressed in fiscal and operational advantages that facilitate companies. Other than tax incentives, which are linked to the electronic transmission of invoice and payment data, there are consistent operational advantages with the reduction of data processing times and costs and any human errors. The convenience of introducing Electronic Invoice in a company is explicit:
¤ in the exemption from communications relating to the spesometer;
¤ exemption from black list communications;
¤ in the reduction of the assessment period to four years (instead of five as required for the paper invoice);
¤ in the Instrastat Models exemption;
¤ in the dispensation from communications “purchases made” by San Marino operators;
¤ in the priority for VAT refunds (within 3 months of submitting the return);
¤ in the exemption from the communication of data relating to contracts stipulated by leasing companies.